Youth Lobby and Advocacy Network (YOLAN) in partnership with Musharikat’s Women in the Peace Coalition organized and a half day event on March 29, 2021 to celebrate the International Women’s Day. The event was hosted in the Afghanistan Institute for Strategic Studies. The program inaugurated by recitation of Holy Quran and National anthem and opening remarks by Razia Danish the Leading Coordinator of YOLAN. Mrs. Huma Kamjo Salimi briefed on Musharikat’s coalitions and the past achievements. Keynote speakers Mrs. Sima Samar the previous chairperson of Afghanistan Human Rights Commission addressed the root causes of gender based violence in Afghanistan in the past two decades. She said “In a society that is anomic, all members of the society would suffer, but women would severely and deeply suffer than others, because of their fragility. I have the experience of migration and I have been in migration camps in Pakistan. I have seen how hardly women have suffered in those camps. This is a tiny example of how women are impacted in war-zones.” Another keynote speaker MP. Naheed Farid spoke about the role women in the peace process. She said that the current peace process is not inclusive. She said “Excluding women and their demands in any negotiated settlement would jeopardize the peace process and will decrease the success of the peace agreement for ensuring durable peace in Afghanistan.” Abdul Samad Mushtaq who is a university lecturer talked about different aspects of participation of women and their role in the development of society.

“In a society that is anomic, all members of the society would suffer, but women would severely and deeply suffer than others, because of their fragility. I have the experience of migration and I have been in migration camps in Pakistan. I have seen how hardly women have suffered in those camps. This is a tiny example of how women are impacted in war-zones.”

At the second part of the program a panel discussion was held on the topic of Role of Women on the Social Change. Ms. Atefa Tayeb, Deputy of Minister at the State Ministry for Parliamentary Affairs generally discussed on women efforts and their achievements in last two decades and added that “What has been done in the past two decades is not enough about women rights, but it showed that we can go ahead and can learn from the lessons of the past decades for better programing of the future and decision making.” Also, she added that advocacy for women should continue on their inclusion in politics, economy, arts and other part of the society. Ms. Arefa Paykar who is a university lecturer and women activist spoke in the panel on the social changes that women has contributed and took part through their efforts and the courageous men who stood should to shoulder with women, and she said that we should build support centers for women and reach to every corner of the country to empower rural women.

“What has been done in the past two decades is not enough about women rights, but it showed that we can go ahead and can learn from the lessons of the past decades for better programing of the future and decision making.”

Ms. Royena Shahabi journalist and women activist discussed the factors that restrict women and their participation in social and political changes in the society. Additionally, she added that women should not become disappointed from the ongoing situation and must robustly maintain their activity and make a network around the country to mobilize women for contributing in social change.

At the third part of the program, YOLAN awarded the Women Champion Award to some of the prominent women activists that have contributed in the social change in Afghanistan by their socio-political and civic activism. The awards presented to:

  • Ms. Naheed Farid- MP
  • Ms. Atefa Tayeb- Deputy of Minister at the State Ministry for Parliamentary Affairs
  • Ms. Anisa Shaheed- Journalist and women activist
  • Ms. Freshta Karim- Founder of Char Maghz organization and education activist
  • General Khatol Mohammadzai – Women in military
  • Ms. Roya Sadat- Actress and founder of Roya Film
  • Royena Shahabi -Women activist and journalist

YOLAN will continue its effort for peacebuilding and advocating for women rights and meaningful participation of youths and women in the society and will celebrate every year from women champions. And finally, we thank the Institute of Afghanistan Strategic Studies and Musharikat’s Women in the Peace Coalition for partnering us in this event.