YOLAN members attended in the first joint consultative meeting between the authorities of the State Ministry for Peace (SMP) and the representatives of 70 Civil Society Umbrella Organizations on January 8 2020.

Commencing the consultative meeting, Laila Jafari, the director of Civil Society Coordination department of State Ministry Peace (SMP) said that the goal behind the creation of this department was the utilization of the effective role of Civil Society Organizations (SCOs) in peace process, and to unify the voice of the people from across the country.

She said that Afghans are now in a critical moment of the history and the war must be ended and a durable and just peace should be restored. Stressing on the importance of CSOs’ role in the peace process, she said that SMP has plans to work towards social peace in coordination with Civil Society. She concluded that the interests, dignity, and greatness of Afghanistan need social peace that is impossible to be achieved but with closed work with Civil Society.

Ghulam Yahya Abbasi, the deputy for administration and support of the State Ministry for Peace explained the policies and mandate of the ministry. He said that the ministry has working plans for the three periods of pre-negotiation, during the negotiation and post-negotiation of the peace process. He also highlighted the important role of CSOs in the peace process and said that SMP was further upgrading this role in the peace process.

Aziz Rafiee, the Executive Director of Afghan Civil Society Forum-organization (ACSFo) said that the Civil Society Organization have been failed to play an active mediating role in the peace process as they are expected. Mr. Rafiee has stressed the importance of ceasefire from the warring parties and said that the origins of the conflict have not been addressed and without doing so a lasting peace is an extremely difficult job. He added that CSOs have the background of peace and conflict studies and have held conferences and seminars on public awareness on peace and, therefore, can cooperate with the State Ministry for Peace. Effective reintegration of ex-fighters, reaching out to the victims of the conflict, creation of an institute for peace and conflict studies and formation of an institution to oversight the peacebuilding activities were among his recommendations.

The representatives of the Civil Society Organizations discussed the possible role of CSOs in the peace process in the coordination of activities between CSOs and SMP in two working groups and came up with recommendations.

The representatives suggested the formation of a consultative board of peace activists from Kabul and provinces for further effectiveness of SMP activities.

YOLAN members are advocating for a unified agenda for youth through the peace process and working closely with the State Ministry of Peace and other relevant government intuitions.